Jeremiah 49
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Melchom, the idol of the Ammonites. (Challoner) --- Gad, to whom a part of their country was assigned. After the captivity this tribe, the Ammonites seized the country, regardless of God's appointment. They joined the Chaldeans afterwards; but the latter could not depend upon them, and sent them into captivity, to revenge the death of Godolias, chap. xli. 2., Sophonias ii. 8., and Ezechiel xxv. 3. (Calmet) --- They had taken the country as their right, as if all Israel had perished; which God resents. (Worthington)

Rabbath; called Amana, Astarte, and Philadelphia, by Stephanus. --- Possess; returning first from captivity, and subduing the cities of Ammon, under Hyrcan, 1 Machabees v. 6.

Hai, or Je-abarim. Both these cities pertained also to Moab. --- Hedges. Hebrew Gederoth, may be the city Gadara. --- Melchom, or Moloc, who claimed dominion over this people. If they had used their reason, they must have seen that he was no god, since the Lord disposed of him as he pleased so long before.

Delicate. Hebrew, "rebel or dissolute." Septuagint, "impudent."

Edom. This nation was involved in the common ruin, for its barbarity towards God's people, Abdias x., Psalm cxxxvi. 7., and Ezechiel xxv. 12. --- Theman, renowned formerly for wisdom, Job ii. 11. Yet at the approach of danger, all were confounded. (Calmet) --- They were only worldly wise. (Worthington)

Hole. The territory of Edom, from Eleutheropolis to Elath, is full of such. (St. Jerome, in Abdias) --- Dedan lies south of the Dead Sea. (Calmet)

Secrets, or lurking holes, ver. 8. (Haydock) --- God permits the Chaldeans to plunder all. --- Brethren; Israelites. --- Neighbours; Moab, &c.

Was not so much. There were some faithful Jews, chap. xxv. 28. (Calmet)

Bosra, different from that of Ammon; (chap. xlviii. 24.; Cellar. iii. 14.) though this may be doubtful. Could such a city be unknown?

Ambassador; Jeremias: or rather this is a personification of the passions, which would sufficiently prompt the Chaldeans. (Calmet) --- A good angel might urge them to execute the divine decrees. (Theodoret) --- The greatest armies are thus made use of by Providence, without approving of their malicious designs.

Little. Edom was scarcely known, except in sacred history; and it was forced to receive circumcision by the Machabees.

Hill. The mountains were numerous, and full of caverns, ver. 8.

Desolate. The few who survived left their ancient territories, which are now a desert, like most of Stony Arabia. (Calmet) --- Hiss, out of contempt. The punishment was so great as to excite surprise. (Worthington)

Swelling. Literally, "pride;" (Haydock) or those banks which the Jordan reaches, when it overflows. They are lined with woods, from which lions rush to devour the sheep. (Calmet) --- Strong "one's dwelling." (Hebrew) (Haydock) (Zacharias xi. 3.) --- Over her. What sort of men come to the attack? or, who shall dare resist them? (Calmet)

Little. Chaldean, "chiefs of the people." Tsair (Haydock) is supposed to have this sense, Micheas v. 2. (Calmet) --- But the weakest of the Chaldeans will be an overmatch for Edom. (Haydock)

Damascus, the capital of Syria, Isaias vii. 8. (Worthington) --- It was punished at the same time as the rest. (Josephus) --- Arphad; Arad, an island near Tyre, or Raphanז. (Theodoret) --- Syriac, "Rephad....they are troubled from the sea." Nabuchodonosor left Tyre to invade them. (Calmet) --- As in. The islands of the Mediterranean tremble for themselves, and all Syria is afraid, hearing of the fall of so many cities and nations.

They. Hebrew, Septuagint, and Chaldean add, "not." Why have they not spared this beautiful city? or, why have not its citizens given it up, to prevent its entire demolition?

Benadad. So the kings were usually styled, 3 Kings xv. 8. Septuagint, "the son of Ader."

Cedar and Asor were parts of Arabia; which, with Moab, Ammon, Edom, &c., were all brought under the yoke of Nabuchodonosor. (Challoner) --- We know nothing of the situation of Asor, which means "a court." (Calmet) --- It might be the flying camp (Theodoret) of the Saracens, (St. Jerome, in Isaias xxi. 16.) who dwelt under tents like the hordes of Tartars, the Ethiopian emperor, and the mogul. Yet this seems to have been a fixed habitation, ver. 30, 33. --- East; the Desert Arabia, ver. 32. (Calmet) --- Cedar was the son of Ismael, and Asor the chief city of the Agarens. (Worthington)

About. The enemy shall terrify them, and plunder all their riches.

Alone. We need not fear any resistance. They have no allies. (Calmet) --- The ancient Suevi, of Germany, laid waste the surrounding countries, that they might appear more terrible. (Cesar iv., and vi.)

Wind; throughout the world. --- Round. Chap. ix. 26. (Calmet) --- This the Arabs did, in imitation of Bacchus. (Herodotus iii. 8.)

Elam. A part of Persia. (Challoner) --- The Elamites had besieged Jerusalem, under Manasses, (Calmet) and are therefore punished. (Worthington) --- They were subject to Aseradon: Nabuchodonosor subdued them after the other nations, ver. 36. Cyrus set his countrymen at liberty, (Calmet) and thus began his conquests. (Haydock) --- Pagan historians assert, at random, that they were before subject to the Medes.

Thence. Daniel (viii. 2.) governed at Susa, the capital of Elam, for Baltassar.

Return. They joined the standards of Cyrus, and became masters of the East. (Calmet) --- This and similar texts are understood of the conversion of the Gentiles, Acts ii. 7. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 48
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