Job 25
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Answered. He directs his attack against Job's desiring to plead before God, and gives a wrong statement of his request, which he also attempts to refute, by urging the same inconclusive arguments as before. (Calmet) --- Blind and obstinate disputers still repeat the same objections; (Worthington) as Protestants do against the Catholic doctrines, which have been so often and so ably defended. (Haydock)

Places. Directing all the heavenly bodies with perfect harmony. (Calmet)

Soldiers. The works of the whole creation, particularly the stars and angels. (Menochius)

Clean. Job had used a similar expression, as well as Eliphaz, chap. iv. 17., and xiv. 4., and xv. 15. The holy man did not assert that he was free from sin, but only that God did not punish him (Calmet) so dreadfully (Haydock) on that account, and that he has just reasons for afflicting his servants, if it were only to manifest his own power and glory. (Calmet)

Sight, compared with him. The most beautiful things in nature are nothing; and of course, the most just are all imperfection, when left to themselves. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Job 24
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