Proverbs 29
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Corrupt. Hebrew, "scoffers," who provoke both God and men.

Rest; or bring him to hear reason. (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "a wise man shall rule nations; but the wicked being angry, is laughed at, and does not frighten."

Soul. they wish to protect the upright, Psalm cxli. 5.

Enlightener. Septuagint, "visitor," with punishment, as they seem to speak of palliated usury, which cannot escape God. See chap. xxii. 2.

Prophecy, by the urim, or by the mouth of prophets, who were in great power and estimation, 3 Kings i. 24., and xii. 23., and 2 Paralipomenon xxv. 6., and xxviii. 8. (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "There shall be none to explain the law to the impious nation." (Haydock) --- When pastors are wanting, all goes to ruin, 1 Corinthians xi. 4. (Ven. Bede) (Calmet)

Amendment. St. Jerome (as Evag.) says, after Thucydides: "Ignorance produces confidence, and learning fear."

Soul, and exposeth himself to death, though this was only inflicted for stealing a man, Exodus xxi. 16. The night-thief might also be killed in the fact, Exodus xxii. 2. But if the person who had stolen denied it on oath, he was put to death for perjury, Leviticus v. 1.

Fall. Human respects will not long preserve him from sin. (Calmet) --- Septuagint have a double version: "Those who fear and are ashamed of men, shall be thrown down. But he who confideth in the Lord, shall rejoice. Impiety overturneth man, while he who trusteth in the Lord shall be saved." (Grabe) (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Proverbs 28
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