Psalm 110
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Alleluia. This psalm consists of praise, and is alphabetical, (Berthier) the sixteen first letters being found at the head of each hemistic, to ver. 8; and in the 9th and 10th, we find the six last Hebrew letters, which is also the case in the following psalm. (Haydock) --- In some Latin copies, we also find the same title in both, as they may relate to the captives. (Calmet) --- The Church thanks God for the institution of the Eucharist, &c. (St. Augustine) (Eusebius) --- Praise. Literally, "confess to." (Haydock) --- Congregation. Where there are few or many together, (Calmet) in private for my own sake, and in public for edification. (Worthington)

Sought out. Exquisite, or designed for our benefit. He saw that all was good, (Genesis i. 31.) though He could have made them better. (Calmet)

Is praise. Or worthy of praise, and magnificent. (Worthington)

Remembrance. He has delivered us from captivity, as he did our ancestors from the Egyptians bondage, Isaias lxiii. 11. (Calmet)

Food. Manna in the desert, and what is necessary for us who were in distress in Babylon, Psalm cvi. 5. In the spiritual sense, (Calmet) He has given us Jesus Christ, (St. Augustine) or the holy Eucharist. (Worthington) --- St. Chrysostom understands the word of God, (Calmet) which profits those only who fear the Lord, (Berthier) and serve him with love. (Haydock) --- Covenant. God has not acted contrary to the covenant with Abraham, in proposing the gospel, which was all along foretold, as St. Paul shews. (Berthier) --- He will for ever protect his Church, and shew forth the powerful operation of his death, and all his mysteries. (Worthington)


God is to be praised for his graces, and benefits to his Church.

Gentiles. Under Josue, or rather in the days of the gospel. (Berthier) (1 Peter i. 3.) --- Judgment. He will perform his promises, and chastise the guilty. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 109
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