Psalm 112
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Alleluia. The Jews style this, and the five following psalms, "the great Alleluia," which they sing after eating the paschal lamb. Eusebius adds, "a psalm of Aggæus and Zacharias," as it seems to speak of the captives, who return thanks for their deliverance; (Isaias xlv. 6., &c.; Calmet) or David has left this model of thanksgiving for all. (Berthier) --- Children. Hebrew, "slaves." (Menochius) --- The Greek and Latin may signify both. (Haydock) --- He addresses the Levites, who were addicted to God's service, or the new converts, who were become docile like little children, (1 Peter ii. 2., and Psalm viii. 3.; Calmet) and in a word, (Haydock) all God's servants. (Worthington)

Same. All the day long, (Calmet) or rather in all places. (Muis) (Malachias i. 10.) (St. Chrysostom)

Earth. Providence watches over all, Psalm cxxxvii. 6. (Haydock) --- With respect to God, even those who are in heaven are low. (Worthington)

Poor. Jesus Christ and his servants, as well as Joseph, Mardochai, &c., 1 Kings ii. 8., and Luke i. 51. (Calmet)

Children. Anna and Elizabeth, who were naturally barren, were blessed with what they so eagerly desired, by the divine power. (Haydock) --- It may be understood of the Gentile world, after it had embraced the faith, (St. Jerome; Galatians iv. 17.; St. Chrysostom) or of the captives, (Isaias lvi. 1., and xlix. 21., and Psalm lxvii. 7.; Calmet) though Isaias may also refer to the Church. (Haydock) --- Joseph was wonderfully advanced in glory, and Sara, Rebecca, &c., were made fruitful.


God is to be praised, for his regard to the poor and humble.

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 111
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