Psalm 123
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Canticle. Hebrew, &c., with some Latin copies add, "of David," (Calmet) who might write it after being delivered from some danger. It may also be applicable to the martyrs, and to all who have been freed from temptation. (Berthier) --- The captives might compose it in thanksgiving for the leave to return, (Calmet) or when they had been delivered from the assaults of the neighbouring nations. (Origen) (Calmet)

Perhaps. This word is here affirmative. Hebrew, "Then." Septuagint, "Surely." (Calmet) --- He modestly leaves it to others to judge what would have been the event if God had not sent help. The weak would have been destroyed, as soon as if they had been a prey to wild beasts, as Jonas was swallowed up. (Worthington) --- See Proverbs i. 12. (Menochius)


The Church giveth glory to God for her deliverance from the hands of her enemies.

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 122
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