Psalm 131
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
David. Jesus Christ, (St. Hilary, &c.) or the pious king David, when he intended to build the temple. Solomon adopts some of the verses at his dedication, (ver. 8., and 2 Paralipomenon vi. 41.; Haydock) and some have attributed the psalm to him, to the captives, or to some prophet in the time of the Machabees, though the prophets then, in fact, appeared no longer. (Berthier) See Psalm xliii., lxxiii., lxxvi., lxxxviii., and xcviii. --- The Jews allow, that some verses regard the Messias, of whom the whole may be explained in a spiritual, (Calmet) or even in the second literal sense. (Berthier) --- It is usual for David, Moses, &c., to speak of themselves in the third person. (Worthington) --- Meekness. Hebrew also, "humility," (Calmet) or "affliction," (St. Jerome) as the prophet might have all this in view. David gave abundant proofs of his humility (2 Kings vii. 2, 13.; Berthier) and moderation, and was greatly afflicted all his life. (Haydock) --- Blessed are the meek, Matthew v. Christ has set before us his own example.

Jacob. Probably after he had removed the ark to Sion. (Berthier) --- What is omitted in one place, is thus explained elsewhere. (Calmet) --- David had a most earnest desire to build the temple; and though the honour was reserved for his son, he prepared the materials. (Worthington) --- He acknowledges that without God, he cannot perform his vow. (Berthier) --- We have engaged to be the temples of God. (St. Augustine)


A prayer for the fulfilling of the promise made to David.

If. He expresses his vow in the form of an imprecation, without expressing the penalty, as he submits to the rigour of God's justice, if he proves faithless. (Calmet) --- He vows to take no rest, till he might, if it so pleased God, find a place to build a temple. (Worthington) --- This he discovered; yet was not permitted to execute his pious designs. How does his fervour confound our neglect of salvation! (Haydock) --- Self-love shuts the door of our heart against Christ. (St. Augustine)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 130
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