Psalm 139
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
David. He, (Calmet) Ezechias, (Ven. Bede) the captives, (Bossuet) or Jesus Christ and his servants under persecution, speak in this psalm. (Holy Fathers) See Psalm lv. (Calmet)

Man. Saul, (Calmet) Judas, (St. Hilary) or self-love, the old man, who is our most dangerous enemy. (Berthier)

Battles. And formed plots to destroy the just. (Worthington)

Serpent. So Plautus says, "A double-tongued and wicked man is like a creeping beast," in Persa. (Haydock)

Side. The enemies of David calumniated him, and strove to make him follow idols, 1 Kings xxvi. 19.

Battle. Against Goliath, or against the attempts of Saul, &c. (Calmet) --- Prayer and divine grace are necessary, to guard us from sin. (Worthington)

Desire. If I yield to my passions, (St. Augustine) or after I have expressed my request, contrary to my desire, &c. Hebrew, "Grant not the desire of the sinner, complete not his thought. They will be elated." Some supply, "lest they be." The ancients seem not to have read in the same manner. (Berthier) --- Abandon not my soul, which is all my care, (Psalm xxi. 21.) to the sinner. (Calmet)

Head. Hebrew also, "poison," (Berthier) or "sum" of their mischievous devices. (Worthington) --- Labour, or punishment. (Calmet) --- Their subtle persuasions shall turn to their ruin. (Worthington)

Fire of hell, (Worthington; Chaldean) as well as temporal afflictions, from lightning, &c., Psalm xvii. 9. (Haydock) --- Some have ridiculed the belief of hell. But the universality of this opinion is a strong proof of it, as it is also confirmed by revelation. (Berthier)

Tongue. This member is very dangerous. (Pet. Bless. cxix.) (James iii. 6.) --- The just man is nt styled "a man of tongue," but "of heart;" for which reason Christ exhorted his disciples not to make long speeches in prayer, Matthew vi. 7. (Berthier) --- Into. Literally, "in;" though (Haydock) it should be into, conformably to the Septuagint. (Berthier)Raro antecedentem scelestum

Deseruit pede pœna claudo. (Horace, iii. Od. ii.)

I know. Hebrew, "thou knowest." But some copies read more accurately. (Houbigant) --- Poor. Thus, in the end, was Lazarus treated. [Luke xvi. 22.] (Worthington)

Countenance in glory, when thou shalt appear, 1 John iii. 2. (Haydock) --- The shall dwell under thy special protection in the tabernacle. (Calmet)


A prayer to be delivered from the wicked.

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 138
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