Psalm 20
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
David, after his victory over the Ammonites; (Du Pin; Calmet) though many passages relate only to the Messias, as the Chaldean and even some of the modern Jews confess, (Kimchi; Muis) with the holy Fathers, who explain all of Him. (Calmet) --- Those who overcome the devil, are here concerned. (Worthington)

King. Chaldean adds, "the Messias shall reign; and how shall he rejoice when thou shalt have delivered him!" The people had promised to return thanks in the former psalm. (Haydock) --- Christ our king as man, having by his divine power overcome his enemies, rejoiceth. (Worthington)

Will. Hebrew aresheth, "the proof or request," (Haydock) which manifests the will. The term occurs no where else. (Berthier) --- Our Saviour's greatest desire was the glory of his Father, (Haydock) in man's redemption. (Worthington)

Sweetness. Hebrew, "of goodness," the effects of thy mercy. (Haydock) --- Thou hast made David a king according to thy own heart, and granted him victory, and many favours, even before he had asked for them. The humanity of Jesus Christ was still more glorified, (Calmet) by a gratuitous predestination." (St. Augustine, Prædest. 30., Persev. 24., &c.) --- Stones. Hebrew, "fine gold or the topaz," Psalm xviii. 11. (Berthier) --- David took the crown of Melchom, weighing a talent, 2 Kings xii. 30. (Calmet) --- God gave him the victory on every occasion, Ecclesiasticus xlvii. 7. (Haydock) --- He crowned Jesus Christ, the martyrs, and all those who have been ready to suffer for him. (Worthington)

And ever. David was much favoured, and reigned a long time, as well as his posterity, 2 Kings vii. 12, 29. But this was literally verified only in the Messias, (Calmet) who was his son; (Haydock) and founded his Church on a rock, to endure unto the end. (Calmet) --- What do we ask for on earth? All will be lost if we have not life; and this we cannot obtain for ever, without rising again. Therefore Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life, John xi. 25. --- We must live in him by faith, (Berthier) and suffer before we can expect a crown.

To be, (in benedictionem.) Thou shalt inebriate him with a torrent of thy blessings. (Haydock) --- Blessing shall take hold of him, if we may so speak, (Berthier) and embrace him for ever. (Haydock) --- All the saints receive glory. But Christ alone can impart it to others, as all are blessed in him, Genesis xxi., and John i. (Worthington) --- When people wish any happiness to their friends, they need only desire that they may be like David. See Genesis xviii. 18., and xlviii 20., and Galatians iii. 16. (Calmet)


Praise to God for Christ's exaltation after his passion.

Thy hand. O king, Messias, or God. No earthly monarch can always punish his enemies. But none can escape the hand of the Almighty. He will bring all to judgment. (Berthier) --- The just approve of God's decree in punishing. This is all a prediction. (Worthington) --- Let thine enemies find thy power, so as to return to good. (St. Jerome) --- To find, often means to attack, (Judges i. 5., and 3 Kings xiii. 24.) or to accomplish with ease, Deuteronomy xxxiii. 1.

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 19
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