Psalm 23
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Week. This title was found only in the common edition of the Septuagint. (Theodoret) --- The Jews say the psalm was used on Sunday; (Berthier) and the Fathers explain it of the resurrection and ascension of our Lord, whom it regards in the more sublime sense, though it may also be literally explained of the temple, or translation of the ark, 2 Kings vi. 12. (Calmet) --- David appointed when the psalms were to be sung, Ecclesiasticus xlvii. 12. This speaks of the creation. (Menochius) --- St. Paul applies the first verse to Jesus Christ, whom he styles the Lord, (1 Corinthians x. 26.) and Creator, of whom David speaks. It is wonderful that so few have noticed this excellent proof of Christ's divinity. The authors of Principles Discussed, according to their general system of two literal senses, explain this psalm of the re-establishment of the Jews after the captivity, and of the propagation of the Christian Church; and it is not clear that two senses ought not to be admitted. But we must, at least, admit that the prophet speaks literally of Jesus Christ (Berthier) as well as of the ark, &c. --- Therein. Though God be the Creator of all, he seems to have made a particular choice of Sion. Before the coming of Christ, all, except a few Jews (Calmet) and enlightened Gentiles, like Job, (Haydock) were buried in sin and ignorance. But now his kingdom is propagated widely; and in every place the Father is adored in spirit and in truth. (St. Augustine, &c.) --- All power is given to Jesus Christ, who rose again on the first day of the week. Not only the earth, but all that is in it, belongs to the great Creator. (Worthington)

Founded, or created it (Berthier) upon (Hebrew hal. "above, in, near, to, with," &c.; Amama) the seas, like a floating island, Proverbs viii. 29., Jonas ii. 7., Job xxxviii. 11. This was the language of the ancients: Ipsa natat tellus Pelagi lustrata corona. (Manil. Astr. 4.) The earth was at first covered with water, Genesis i. 9., and Psalm ciii. 6. (Calmet) --- Seas and caverns have received part of it, which was poured out again at the deluge. Several have rejected the antipodes, falsely supposing that there is water all under the earth, which the Scripture does not assert. (Amama) (Haydock)

Place. The punishment of the Bethsamites, and of Oza, had filled all with alarm, so that David durst not introduce the ark into his palace, 1 Kings vi. 19. (Calmet) --- Though Christ created and redeemed all, yet only the just shall inherit felicity. (Worthington)

Heart, whose faith and intentions are pure, as well as their actions. --- Vain, by neglecting good works, (St. Jerome) or seeking after trifles; (St. Augustine) or rather, according to the Hebrew, "who hath not sworn in vain by his soul," 2 Corinthians i. 23., and 1 Kings i. 26. To take the name of God in vain, means to swear falsely. (Calmet) --- Protestants, "who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity;" to swell with pride, (Haydock) or to swear by idols. (Pr. in disc.) --- To his, &c. This is not in Hebrew but must be understood, (Calmet) as a person can only intend to deceive men. So Duport, who follows the Hebrew so exactly in his Greek psalms in verse, (Berthier) reads, "Nor sworn an oath, that men he might deceive." (Haydock) --- These two verses contain an abridgment of the gospel, and shew that something better than Mount Sion is understood, Hebrews xii. 22. When we approach to the tabernacle, and to the sacred mysteries, we ought to put these terrible questions to ourselves. (Berthier) --- We must carefully employ ourselves in good works, (Worthington) by which alone we can make our calling and election sure, 1 Peter i. 10. (Haydock)

Blessing. David seems to have given the eulogium of Obededom, whose example taught him that the ark was only terrible to the wicked; and that it was a source of blessings to the just, 2 Kings vi. 11. --- Mercy. Hebrew, "justice." But these terms are used synonymously, and denote that God gives a just reward; "when he crowns our merits, he crowns his own gifts." (St. Augustine; Theodoret) (Calmet) --- Mercy goes before; good works must follow, to obtain eternal glory. (Worthington)


Who they are that shall ascend to heaven: Christ's triumphant ascension thither.

The face. Hebrew, "Thy face, O Jacob, always." (St. Jerome) --- Protestants (marginal note, God of) Jacob. Selah. (Haydock) --- Thus they intimate that the Hebrew is imperfect. All the preceding virtues belong to Jesus Christ, who obtained mercy for us. The generation of Adam multiplied, (Genesis v. 1.) and soon forgot the Lord: but it shall not be so with the disciples of Christ, who must delight in fervent prayer, and in the constant practice of good works; and not merely serve him in certain fits of devotion. (Berthier) See Proverbs xxix. 26. (Menochius)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 22
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