Psalm 43
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Understanding. See Psalm xli. (Menochius) --- David or the Corites composed this piece, to comfort the just under persecution. (Berthier) --- It may allude to the situation of the Jews at Babylon, (Calmet) or under Antiochus Epiphanes, (Ven. Bede) though St. Paul, (Romans viii. 36.) applies ver. 22. to the persecutions of the primitive Christians, which seems to shew, that the whole psalm refers to them, (Berthier) as the Fathers have explained it. Yet it may literally be understood of the Israelites (Calmet) also, (Haydock) as well as the Christian martyrs, since all things happened to the Israelites in figure. (Worthington)

Old, in calling Abraham, and rescuing the Hebrews for the Egyptian bondage, &c. (Worthington) --- God formerly protected our Fathers; but how are things changed? (Calmet) --- Gideon uses nearly the same words, Judges vi. (Menochius)

Plantedst them, thy people. See Jeremias ii. 21., and xii. 10., and Ezechiel xvii. 6. --- Out, by means of insects, &c., Wisdom xii. 8., and Josue xxiv. 12. (Calmet) --- The Hebrews were miraculously assisted, (Worthington) without any merit of their own, (Calmet) as all were wicked at first. Yet Abraham was freely chosen, that the visible Church might be preserved. (Worthington)

Saving (salutes) the manifold instances of protection. (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 42
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