Psalm 45
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Psa 45:1 may allude to the defeat of Sennacherib, (Houbigant) or might be sung by the Corites at the dedication of the second temple, when peace was restored to the world, after the death of Cambyses, Ezechiel xxxviii. The Fathers explain it of the Christian Church, delivered from persecutions. (St. Chrysostom, &c.) (Calmet)

Troubles. Those of English Catholics have been very great; yet they increase. (Worthington)

Their. Hebrew, St. Ambrose, &c., read, "its." (Calmet) --- Both sea and land may be in confusion; we shall fear nothing, having God for our protector. (Haydock) --- Though many and noble personages have revolted from the faith in England, yet the Catholic Church will never fail, (Worthington) even if it should in these islands. (Haydock)

Steam. Jerusalem was surrounded by placid streams, which are here opposed to the great waters, as in Isaias viii. 6. The Church, after persecution, is restored to peace, and adorned with all graces. (Calmet) --- Tabernacle. This is the source of our joy, Apocalypse xxi., (Menochius) and xxii. 1., and Ezechiel xlvii. 1. --- The advantages of the virtuous, both here and in heaven, are great. (Berthier)

Trembled. We have witnessed the commotions in the East, under Cyrus, and his son; the latter of whom seems to be styled Gog, (Ezechiel xxxviii. 19.) and perished in Judea, which he intended to plunder. (Calmet)

Shields. Hebrew, "the round things," which some explain, "chariots," without need. (Berthier) --- Fire. The Fathers apply this to the peace which reigned at the birth of Christ, or to that which Constantine gave to the Church. (Calmet)

Still. We have only to admire the work of God. (Berthier) --- He will bring all to a happy issue for his elect, though the wicked may rage. (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 44
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