Psalm 54
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
David. It alludes to some of his persecutions, particularly to that of Absalom, as well as to that of the Church, and of Jesus Christ. Bede explains it of Onias: who, being excluded from the high priesthood, retired into Egypt, and built the temple of Onion, 2 Machabees xiii. (Calmet)

Hear me. He repeats the same petition four times, (Haydock) to testify his fervour, and humility, Ecclesiasticus xxxv. 21. --- Exercise, among the wicked, (St. Augustine) or while I consider the sufferings of Christ. (Eusebius) --- David was perplexed what course to take, when he first heard of his son's revolt. Our Saviour was sorrowful unto death, Matthew xxvi. 37. (Calmet) --- This life is a warfare. (Worthington) --- Greek: Ldoleschia. Hebrew sichi, denotes serious (Haydock) meditation, Genesis xxiv. 63. (Menochius)

Upon me. When a person has fallen into distress, the world is ever ready to attribute it it some fault. Absalom accused his father of neglecting to judge, &c., 2 Kings xv. 2. The Jews calumniated and sought the death of Christ, whose agony in the garden is well described, (ver. 5.) as well as the consternation of David, at the sight of such a general revolt, (Calmet) which almost overwhelmed him. (Worthington)

Troubled, like a woman in labour, (Menochius) as yachil implies, (Calmet) in Hiphel. (Menochius)

Dove, which flies swiftly. He now adored the judgments of God, which chastised him, as he had threatened; (2 Kings xii. 11.) though, while innocent, he had rejected a similar proposal, Psalm x. 1. The event shewed, that he acted wisely in retiring beyond the Jordan. (Calmet) --- O that I could fly, and in the simplicity of the dove, be removed from these afflictions! (Worthington) --- As I could not go to heaven, I retired into the wilderness. (Menochius)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 53
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