Psalm 61
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Idithun, to sing. (Worthington) --- He was one of the chief musicians under David, 1 Paralipomenon xxv. 3. The psalm may be explained of David, persecuted by Absalom, (Calmet) of the Machabees, (Theodoret) &c., or of Christ, and his Church. (Calmet) --- St. Jerome considers it a piece of excellent morality, (Calmet) and this may suffice, without referring it to any historical fact. (Berthier)

Subject. The just is resigned, though he feel like other men. David found a sort of resentment against the rebels, arising in his breast, which he presently repressed, by the thought of God's will, 2 Kings xii. 11. (Calmet) --- He fears nothing, because his soul is subject to God. (Worthington) --- Hebrew, "silent." (Haydock)

Fence. This may refer to the persecutors, who resembled a leaning wall. (Berthier) (Isaias xxx. 13.) (Calmet) --- Protestants, "ye shall be slain all of you, as a bowing wall shall ye be," &c. He threatens them with speedy destruction, (Haydock) or represents to them the baseness of attacking a man ready to fall. (Calmet) --- He informs them, that their attempts will be in vain, though they be very numerous, and he himself apparently so weak. (Worthington)

Price. Septuagint, St. Hilary, &c., "my honour." They wish to dethrone me, and to represent me as unfit to govern. --- I ran. Septuagint Greek: edramon, "they ran" likewise, as Hebrew implies, and as the Greek Fathers generally explain it. David thought proper to flee, that he might be at a distance from traitors, 2 Kings xv. 14. His enemies sought this destruction. (Calmet) --- They wished to deprive him of the reward of his labours; but he ran more earnestly. --- Blessed. Flattery is very dangerous. (Worthington)

God. The multiplicity of titles shews the prophet's love. See Apocalypse v. 12. (St. Augustine, Confessions i. 4.) (Berthier)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 60
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