Psalm 75
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Assyrians. Septuagint, "against the Assyrian," Sennacherib, 4 Kings xix. 35. (Haydock) --- David composed this after his victory over the Ammonites, and Ezechias used it when he was delivered from the Assyrians. (Grotius) --- This part of the title is of no great authority, as it is not found in Hebrew, &c. (Berthier) --- The psalm seems to speak of the victories of all the just; (Menochius) and instances one memorable example in the defeat of the Assyrians. (Worthington) --- The Church triumphs over her persecutors. (St. Augustine)

Judea. Hebrew, "Juda." (Haydock) --- This shews that the psalm was composed after the separation of the tribes, (Calmet) though not invincibly; as the names of Juda and Israel were used in David's time. (Haydock) --- The divine worship was almost confined to the promised land till the birth of Christ; whose gospel has diffused light throughout the world. (St. Augustine; Calmet, &c.) --- See Jeremias lx. 23. (Berthier) --- A Christian is the true Juda, or "Confessor." (Menochius) --- God was known to some philosophers, but not by such special benefits. (Worthington)

Peace. Hebrew Shalem. --- Abode. Hebrew, "tent or hut," an expression which shews, how much the finest structure of the East was beneath God's majesty. (Calmet) --- He suffered the rest of the world to follow their own inventions, and false gods, reserving Israel for his Church. (Worthington)

There. In that favoured country. The army of Sennacherib perished on its road to Pelusium, 4 Kings xx. --- Powers. Hebrew, "sparks," (Calmet) or "burning arrows." (Montanus) (Psalm xii. 14., and cxix. 4.) (Haydock) --- All the opponents of the Church, or Sion, must perish. (Worthington)

Hills. Of Juda, which are styled eternal, on account of their stability, Deuteronomy xxxiii. 15. Hebrew seems to be incorrect. (Calmet) --- "Thou art a light magnificently from (Haydock) or more than, (Berthier) the mountains of the captivity." (St. Jerome) --- Or, "of prey." (Protestants) --- "Thou art more terrible....than the richest mountains." (Theodoret) --- Yet this comparison hardly suits in this place, (Calmet) and Houbigant prefers the Vulgate and Septuagint, who may have read terem, "before," or saraph, "of the seraph," (alluding to God's seat upon the ark) instead of tareph, "prey." (Berthier) --- God grants victory to his people, and enlightens them with the true faith. (Worthington)

Troubled. Hebrew, "plundered," or "stupified." (Berthier) --- The haughty and blasphemous Sennacherib, Rabsaces, &c., were full of dismay, when the destroying angel slew 185,000 (Calmet) in the dead of the night."What dire astonishment, ye men

Of Media, sunk you to despair?" (Hymn on War, p. 52.; Haydock)

--- Sleep in death, Job xxvii. 19. --- Of riches, with which they are possessed, as with a fever, (Seneca, ep. cxix.) and of which they dread, Isaias xxix. 8. (Calmet) --- Yet the most opulent must die, and are foolish in clinging to riches, since they ca Mounted. Hebrew, "the chariot and horse." (Calmet) --- But the riders are meant. (Berthier) --- Rabsaces had boasted, that Ezechias could not find men to mount 2,000 horses, if he should give them to him, 4 Kings xviii. 23. (Calmet) --- But God chastised his vain boasting. (Haydock) --- While he defends his people, their enemies seem to slumber. (Worthington)

And. Hebrew, "thou, and who shall subsist before thee in the moment of thy wrath?" Houbigant rejects the second thou. (Berthier) --- From. From the time that thy wrath shall bread out. (Challoner) --- Ex tunc, often relates to a distant period. We have long known the effects of thy indignation. (Calmet) (Hebrews x. 31.) --- At the first notice of thy will the enemy is dejected, and fears thy potent anger. (Worthington)

Heard. Some editions of the Septuagint read, "thou hast darted judgment." (St. Augustine) --- Still. All were filled with astonishment, and Sennacherib was glad to escape in the most private manner. (Calmet) --- Persecutors will all be terrified when the signs of judgment begin to appear in heaven, when are here represented as past, on account of thier certainty. (Worthington) --- The divine power will be again displayed. (Menochius)

God. After the signs of dissolution, the Son of God shall come to judge. (Berthier) --- The earth is now full of bustle: but then all shall be silent. (St. Augustine) --- Meek. Ezechias had given large sums to preserve peace, 4 Kings xviii. 14. (Calmet) --- Judgment will take place for the sake of the just. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 74
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