Psalm 82
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Asaph. This psalm alludes to the wars of David, (2 Kings viii.; Berthier) against Ammon, (Bossuet) or of the Jews returned from captivity, (2 Esdras iv., and Ezechiel xxxviii.; Theodoret) or of the Machabees; (1 Machabees v., and 2 Machabees x.; Bellarmine) or rather of Josaphat, 2 Paralipomenon xx. (Kimchi) (Hammond) (Calmet) --- All in danger are taught to have recourse to God. (Berthier)

To thee? Hebrew, "be not silent to thyself." (Pagnin) --- But domi also implies "like;" (Bellarmine) and there would otherwise be a sort of tautology. (Berthier) --- Christ on earth was like other men: but when he shall come to judgment, non will be comparable to Him. (St. Augustine) --- Amama says this exposition is groundless: but others are of a contrary opinion. (Haydock) --- The ancient Greek interpreters seem not to have varied from the Septuagint, though St. Jerome adopts the present Hebrew, "be not silent. Hold," &c., which may express the utmost fervour and want of protection. Thy own cause is now at stake: the enemy wishes to destroy religion. (Calmet)

Noise. Like the boisterous ocean. (Haydock) --- Head. To revolt, 4 Kings iii. 9., and 2 Paralipomenon xx.

Saints. Hebrew, "hidden ones;" (Protestants; Haydock) the people under God's protection, (Menochius; Berthier) or the treasures of the temple. (Calmet)

Nation. That there may be no more of this religion, or Catholics. (Worthington) --- Israel delighted most in being styled the chosen nation of God. (Berthier)

Agarenes descended from Agar, though they took the name of Saracens, as if they had sprung from Sara, (Worthington) or they dwelt at Agra, otherwise called Petra, in Arabia; or on the east of Galaad, 1 Paralipomenon v. 10. (Calmet)


A prayer against the enemies of God's Church.

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Psalm 81
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