Zechariah 8
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Jealous for her, treating her as a spouse, (Calmet) and not neglecting her as one incorrigible. (Haydock)

Truth. Idols and infidelity shall reign there no more. The Jews were more faithful after the captivity. But the Church of Christ is alone perfectly chaste. (Calmet)

Days. If no prospect of such happiness now appear, is any thing difficult to Omnipotence? (Haydock) (Luke i. 37.)

Sun, from Chaldea and the islands. This chiefly regards the Christian Church. (Calmet) --- Assyria and Chaldea lay to the north. The promises are too great for the synagogue. (Worthington)

Justice. I will fulfil my promises, if they adhere to virtue. (Calmet)

Hire, or "reward;" merces. (Haydock) --- All their toils proved useless: (Calmet) the land would not yield her fruit. (Haydock) See Aggeus ii. 16. --- The temple had now been building two years, and then God sent his prophets and many blessings. --- Neighbour. Civil broils and the enemy rendered all wretched, 1 Esdras iv.


Blessing. As the nations could wish no greater curse than what you have experienced, so you shall now be regarded as a most happy people.

Of peace, or perfect. Shew no partiality.

Friend means every neighbour, or all mankind, Luke x. 27, 36. Even thoughts must be guarded. (Calmet)

Fast. They fasted on the ninth day of the fourth month, because on that day Nabuchodonosor took Jerusalem, Jeremias lii. 6. On the tenth day of the fifth month, because on that day the temple was burnt, Jeremias lii. 12. On the third day of the seventh month, for the murder of Godolias, Jeremias xli. 2. And on the tenth day of the tenth month, because on that day the Chaldeans began to besiege Jerusalem, 4 Kings xxv. 1. All these fasts, if they will be obedient for the future, shall be changed (as is here promised) into joyful solemnities. (Challoner) --- They had only inquired about the fasts of the fifth and seventh months but the two others were also to be omitted in times of joy. (Worthington) --- The Jews still observe all four. (Basnage v. 16.) --- They fast on the seventeenth of the fourth month, because the breach was then made in the walls, (Calmet) and Moses broke the tables of the law, according to the Jews, in St. Jerome. The ninth of the fifth month is also kept instead of the tenth, on which day the city was taken by the Chaldeans; (Calmet) and the Romans burnt the temple in the same month, as the Israelites had then formerly been sentenced to wander in the desert. (St. Jerome) --- It would be difficult for the Jews to prove all these assertions.

Lord. Many were converted in the days of Esther, (viii. 17.) and the Pharisees were eager to make proselytes in all parts, when Christ preached, Matthew xxiii. 15., and Acts ii. 11. Yet we must go to the Church to see this fully accomplished. (Calmet)

Ten men, &c. Many of the Gentiles became proselytes to the Jewish religion before Christ; but many more were converted to Christ by the apostles and other preachers of the Jewish nation. (Challoner) --- Skirt, or hem, by which the Jews were distinguished, Numbers xv. 38., and Matthew ix. 20. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Zechariah 7
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