Sirach 43
Good News Translation

1How beautiful is the bright, clear sky above us!

What a glorious sight it is!

2The sun, when it appears, proclaims as it rises

how marvelous a thing it is, made by the Most High.

3At noon it dries up the land;

no one can stand its blazing heat.

4The setting sun sets fire to the hilltops,

like a metal furnace glowing from the heat.

It sends out fiery rays,

blinding the eyes with its brightness.

5The Lord, who made it, is great;

it speeds on its way at his command.

6There is also the moon, marking the passage of time,

an eternal sign of the changing seasons.

7The moon determines the holy days.

Its light grows full and then grows dim.

8The "month" is named after the moon,

marvelous to watch as it grows fuller each night,

a signal light for the heavenly armies,

shining out in the dome of the sky.

9The shining stars make the night sky lovely,

brilliant ornaments in the Lord's high heavens.

10They stay in the places assigned to them by the Holy One

and never relax their dutiful watch.

11Look at the rainbow and praise its Creator!

How magnificent, how radiant, its beauty!

12Like a bow bent by the hands of the Most High,

it spans the horizon in a circle of glory.

13He commands, and snow begins to fall;

lightning strikes to carry out his judgments.

14The storerooms of the sky are thrown open,

and the clouds roll out like flying birds.

15With his power he forms great masses of clouds

and shatters the ice into hailstones.

16-17He speaks, and thunder twists the earth in pain;

the mountains are shaken by his strength.

Whenever he wishes, the south wind blows,

whirlwinds come, and windstorms from the north.

He sends the snow fluttering down like birds,

like locusts lighting on the ground.

18We marvel at its beautiful whiteness,

and in fascination we watch it fall.

19He sprinkles frost over the ground like salt,

and it freezes into thorny flowers of ice.

20He sends the cold north wind blowing

and the water hardens into ice;

every lake and pond freezes over,

putting on a coat of icy armor.

21He scorches the wilderness hills with drought,

and the grass turns brown from its heat;

22but a cloudy mist restores it all to life

as the weather cools and dew appears.

23By his wisdom he calmed the great oceans

and placed the islands there.

24Sailors tell about the dangers of the sea,

and we listen to their tales in amazement.

25In the sea are strange and marvelous creatures:

huge monsters and all kinds of living things.

26Each of the Lord's messengers succeeds at its task.

Everything is held together by his word.

27We could say much more and never finish,

but it all means this: the Lord is everything.

28How can we find the power to praise him?

He is greater than all his creation.

29The Lord is awesome in his greatness;

his power is overwhelming.

30Though you do your best to praise him,

he is greater than you can ever express.

Though you honor him tirelessly and with all your strength,

you still cannot praise him enough.

31No one has seen him, no one can describe him;

no one can praise him as he deserves.

32Mysteries greater than these are still unknown;

we know only a fraction of his works.

33The Lord made the universe

and then gave wisdom to devout people.

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