Song of Solomon 5
Good News Translation
The Man

1I have entered my garden,

my sweetheart, my bride.

I am gathering my spices and myrrh;

I am eating my honey and honeycomb;

I am drinking my wine and milk.

The Women

Eat, lovers, and drink

until you are drunk with love!

The Fourth Song

The Woman

2While I slept, my heart was awake.

I dreamed my lover knocked at the door.

The Man

Let me come in, my darling,

my sweetheart, my dove.

My head is wet with dew,

and my hair is damp from the mist.

The Woman

3I have already undressed;

why should I get dressed again?

I have washed my feet;

why should I get them dirty again?

4My lover put his hand to the door,

and I was thrilled that he was near.

5I was ready to let him come in.

My hands were covered with myrrh,

my fingers with liquid myrrh,

as I grasped the handle of the door.

6I opened the door for my lover,

but he had already gone.

How I wanted to hear his voice!

I looked for him, but couldn't find him;

I called to him, but heard no answer.

7The sentries patrolling the city found me;

they struck me and bruised me;

the guards at the city wall tore off my cape.

8Promise me, women of Jerusalem,

that if you find my lover,

you will tell him I am weak from passion.

The Women

9Most beautiful of women,

is your lover different from everyone else?

What is there so wonderful about him

that we should give you our promise?

The Woman

10My lover is handsome and strong;

he is one in ten thousand.

11His face is bronzed and smooth;

his hair is wavy,

black as a raven.

12His eyes are as beautiful as doves by a flowing brook,

doves washed in milk and standing by the stream.+

13His cheeks are as lovely as a garden

that is full of herbs and spices.

His lips are like lilies,

wet with liquid myrrh.

14His hands are well-formed,

and he wears rings set with gems.

His body is like smooth ivory,+

with sapphires set in it.

15His thighs are columns of alabaster

set in sockets of gold.

He is majestic, like the Lebanon Mountains

with their towering cedars.

16His mouth is sweet to kiss;

everything about him enchants me.

This is what my lover is like,

women of Jerusalem.


5.12: and standing by the stream; Hebrew unclear.
5.14: like smooth ivory; Hebrew unclear.

Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition)

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