Lamentations 5
New American Bible Revised Edition

The Community’s Lament to the Lord

1Remember, Lord, what has happened to us,

pay attention, and see our disgrace:

2Our heritage is turned over to strangers,

our homes, to foreigners.a

3We have become orphans, without fathers;

our mothers are like widows.

4We pay money to drink our own water,

our own wood comes at a price.

5With a yoke on our necks, we are driven;

we are worn out, but allowed no rest.

6We extended a hand to Egypt and Assyria,

to satisfy our need of bread.*

7Our ancestors, who sinned, are no more;

but now we bear their guilt.

8Servants* rule over us,

with no one to tear us from their hands.

9We risk our lives just to get bread,

exposed to the desert heat;b

10Our skin heats up like an oven,

from the searing blasts of famine.c

11Women are raped in Zion,

young women in the cities of Judah;d

12Princes have been hanged by them,

elders shown no respect.e

13Young men carry millstones,

boys stagger under loads of wood;

14The elders have abandoned the gate,*

the young men their music.

15The joy of our hearts has ceased,

dancing has turned into mourning;f

16The crown has fallen from our head:

woe to us that we sinned!

17Because of this our hearts grow sick,

at this our eyes grow dim:

18Because of Mount Zion, lying desolate,

and the jackals roaming there!

19But you, Lord, are enthroned forever;

your throne stands from age to age.g

20* Why have you utterly forgotten us,

forsaken us for so long?h

21Bring us back to you, Lord, that we may return:

renew our days as of old.i

22For now you have indeed rejected us

and utterly turned your wrath against us.j

Book Introduction


Scripture texts, prefaces, introductions, footnotes and cross references used in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.


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