Psalm 120
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

Psalm 120

Prayer for Deliverance from Slanderers

A Song of Ascents.

1In my distress I cry to the Lord,
    that he may answer me:
2“Deliver me, O Lord,
    from lying lips,
    from a deceitful tongue.”

3What shall be given to you?
    And what more shall be done to you,
    you deceitful tongue?
4A warrior’s sharp arrows,
    with glowing coals of the broom tree!

5Woe is me, that I am an alien in Meshech,
    that I must live among the tents of Kedar.
6Too long have I had my dwelling
    among those who hate peace.
7I am for peace;
    but when I speak,
    they are for war.

Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


Psalm 119
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