Tobit 14
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

Tobit’s Final Counsel

1So ended Tobit’s words of praise.

2Tobit[a] died in peace when he was one hundred twelve years old, and was buried with great honor in Nineveh. He was sixty-two[b] years old when he lost his eyesight, and after regaining it he lived in prosperity, giving alms and continually blessing God and acknowledging God’s majesty.

3When he was about to die, he called his son Tobias and the seven sons of Tobias[c] and gave this command: “My son, take your children 4and hurry off to Media, for I believe the word of God that Nahum spoke about Nineveh, that all these things will take place and overtake Assyria and Nineveh. Indeed, everything that was spoken by the prophets of Israel, whom God sent, will occur. None of all their words will fail, but all will come true at their appointed times. So it will be safer in Media than in Assyria and Babylon. For I know and believe that whatever God has said will be fulfilled and will come true; not a single word of the prophecies will fail. All of our kindred, inhabitants of the land of Israel, will be scattered and taken as captives from the good land; and the whole land of Israel will be desolate, even Samaria and Jerusalem will be desolate. And the temple of God in it will be burned to the ground, and it will be desolate for a while.[d]

5“But God will again have mercy on them, and God will bring them back into the land of Israel; and they will rebuild the temple of God, but not like the first one until the period when the times of fulfillment shall come. After this they all will return from their exile and will rebuild Jerusalem in splendor; and in it the temple of God will be rebuilt, just as the prophets of Israel have said concerning it. 6Then the nations in the whole world will all be converted and worship God in truth. They will all abandon their idols, which deceitfully have led them into their error; 7and in righteousness they will praise the eternal God. All the Israelites who are saved in those days and are truly mindful of God will be gathered together; they will go to Jerusalem and live in safety forever in the land of Abraham, and it will be given over to them. Those who sincerely love God will rejoice, but those who commit sin and injustice will vanish from all the earth. 8,9So now, my children, I command you, serve God faithfully and do what is pleasing in his sight. Your children are also to be commanded to do what is right and to give alms, and to be mindful of God and to bless his name at all times with sincerity and with all their strength. So now, my son, leave Nineveh; do not remain here. 10On whatever day you bury your mother beside me, do not stay overnight within the confines of the city. For I see that there is much wickedness within it, and that much deceit is practiced within it, while the people are without shame. See, my son, what Nadab did to Ahikar who had reared him. Was he not, while still alive, brought down into the earth? For God repaid him to his face for this shameful treatment. Ahikar came out into the light, but Nadab went into the eternal darkness, because he tried to kill Ahikar. Because he gave alms, Ahikar[e] escaped the fatal trap that Nadab had set for him, but Nadab fell into it himself, and was destroyed. 11So now, my children, see what almsgiving accomplishes, and what injustice does—it brings death! But now my breath fails me.”

Death of Tobit and Anna

Then they laid him on his bed, and he died; and he received an honorable funeral. 12When Tobias’s mother died, he buried her beside his father. Then he and his wife and children[f] returned to Media and settled in Ecbatana with Raguel his father-in-law. 13He treated his parents-in-law[g] with great respect in their old age, and buried them in Ecbatana of Media. He inherited both the property of Raguel and that of his father Tobit. 14He died highly respected at the age of one hundred seventeen[h] years. 15Before he died he heard[i] of the destruction of Nineveh, and he saw its prisoners being led into Media, those whom King Cyaxares[j] of Media had taken captive. Tobias[k] praised God for all he had done to the people of Nineveh and Assyria; before he died he rejoiced over Nineveh, and he blessed the Lord God forever and ever. Amen.[l]


  1. Tobit 14:2 Gk He
  2. Tobit 14:2 Other ancient authorities read fifty-eight
  3. Tobit 14:3 Lat: Gk lacks and the seven sons of Tobias
  4. Tobit 14:4 Lat: Other ancient authorities read of God will be in distress and will be burned for a while
  5. Tobit 14:10 Gk he; other ancient authorities read Manasses
  6. Tobit 14:12 Codex Sinaiticus lacks and children
  7. Tobit 14:13 Gk them
  8. Tobit 14:14 Other authorities read other numbers
  9. Tobit 14:15 Codex Sinaiticus reads saw and heard
  10. Tobit 14:15 Cn: Codex Sinaiticus Ahikar; other ancient authorities read Nebuchadnezzar and Ahasuerus
  11. Tobit 14:15 Gk He
  12. Tobit 14:15 Other ancient authorities lack Amen
Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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