Psalm 100
World English Bible

Shout for Joy to the Lord, All You Lands!

1Shout for joy to Yahweh, all you lands!

2Serve Yahweh with gladness. Come before his presence with singing.

3Know that Yahweh, he is God. It is he who has made us, and we are his. We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

4Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, and bless his name.

5For Yahweh is good. His loving kindness endures forever, his faithfulness to all generations. A Psalm by David.

The World English Bible is a 1997 revision of the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible, first published in 1901. It is in the Public Domain. Please feel free to copy and distribute it freely. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence, visit

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Psalm 99
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