Psalm 150
World English Bible

Let Everything That Has Breath

1Praise Yah! Praise God in his sanctuary! Praise him in his heavens for his acts of power!

2Praise him for his mighty acts! Praise him according to his excellent greatness!

3Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet! Praise him with harp and lyre!

4Praise him with tambourine and dancing! Praise him with stringed instruments and flute!

5Praise him with loud cymbals! Praise him with resounding cymbals!

6Let everything that has breath praise Yah! Praise Yah!

The World English Bible is a 1997 revision of the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible, first published in 1901. It is in the Public Domain. Please feel free to copy and distribute it freely. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence, visit

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Psalm 149
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