2 Timothy 2:24
Cross References

But the servant of the Lord must not wrangle: but be mild toward all men, apt to teach, patient,

2 Corinthians 6:4
But in all things let us exhibit ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in tribulation, in necessities, in distresses,

1 Thessalonians 2:7
Whereas we might have been burdensome to you, as the apostles of Christ: but we became little ones in the midst of you, as if a nurse should cherish her children:

1 Timothy 3:2
It behoveth therefore a bishop to be blameless, the husband of one wife, sober, prudent, of good behaviour, chaste, given to hospitality, a teacher,

1 Timothy 3:3
Not given to wine, no striker, but modest, not quarrelsome, not covetous, but

Titus 1:7
For a bishop must be without crime, as the steward of God: not proud, not subject to anger, nor given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre:

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

But the servant of the Lord must not wrangle: but be mild toward all men, apt to teach, patient,

the servant.

Deuteronomy 34:5 And Moses the servant of the Lord died there, in the land of Moab, by the commandment of the Lord:

Joshua 1:1 Now it came to pass after the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, that the Lord spoke to Joshua, the son of Nun, the minister of Moses, and said to him:

2 Chronicles 24:6 And the king called Joiada the chief, and said to him: Why hast thou not taken care to oblige the Levites to bring in out of Juda and Jerusalem the money that was appointed by Moses the servant of the Lord for all the multitude of Israel to bring into the tabernacle of the testimony?

Daniel 6:20 And coming near to the den, cried with a lamentable voice to Daniel, and said to him: Daniel, servant of the living God, hath thy God, whom thou servest always, been able, thinkest thou, to deliver thee from the lions?

1 Timothy 6:11 But thou, O man of God, fly these things: and pursue justice, godliness, faith, charity, patience, mildness.

Titus 1:1 Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of the elect of God and the acknowledging of the truth, which is according to godliness:

Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no man, not to be litigious but gentle: shewing all mildness towards all men.

James 1:1 James, the servant of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.


Matthew 12:19 He shall not contend, nor cry out, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.

Acts 15:2 And when Paul and Barnabas had no small contest with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of the other side should go up to the apostles and priests to Jerusalem, about this question.

2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to God, unto the pulling down of fortifications, destroying counsels,

Philippians 2:3,14 Let nothing be done through contention: neither by vain glory. But in humility, let each esteem others better than themselves: . . .

1 Timothy 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, but modest, not quarrelsome, not covetous, but

Titus 1:7 For a bishop must be without crime, as the steward of God: not proud, not subject to anger, nor given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre:

James 1:19,20 You know, my dearest brethren. And let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak and slow to anger. . . .

Jude 1:3 Dearly beloved, taking all care to write unto you concerning your common salvation, I was under a necessity to write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.


John 6:52 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat?

Acts 7:26 And the day following, he shewed himself to them when they were at strife and would have reconciled them in peace, saying: Men, ye are brethren. Why hurt you one another?

Acts 23:9 And there arose a great cry. And some of the Pharisees rising up, strove, saying: We find no evil in this man. What if a spirit hath spoken to him, or an angel?

James 4:2 You covet, and have not: you kill and envy and cannot obtain. You contend and war, and you have not: because you ask not.



Isaiah 40:11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather together the lambs with his arm, and shall take them up in his bosom, and he himself shall carry them that are with young.

2 Corinthians 10:1 Now I Paul, myself beseech you, by the mildness and modesty of Christ: who in presence indeed am lowly among you, but being absent am bold toward you.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is, charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanimity,

1 Thessalonians 2:7 Whereas we might have been burdensome to you, as the apostles of Christ: but we became little ones in the midst of you, as if a nurse should cherish her children:

Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no man, not to be litigious but gentle: shewing all mildness towards all men.

James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above, first indeed is chaste, then peaceable, modest, easy to be persuaded, consenting to the good, full of mercy and good fruits, without judging, without dissimulation.

1 Peter 3:8 And in fine, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, being lovers of the brotherhood, merciful, modest, humble:


1 Timothy 3:2,3 It behoveth therefore a bishop to be blameless, the husband of one wife, sober, prudent, of good behaviour, chaste, given to hospitality, a teacher, . . .

Titus 1:9 Embracing that faithful word which is according to doctrine, that he may be able to exhort in sound doctrine and to convince the gainsayers.


Ephesians 4:2 With all humility and mildness, with patience, supporting one another in charity.

Colossians 3:13 Bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if any have a complaint against another. Even as the Lord hath forgiven you, so do you also.

The Lord's Approved Workman
23And avoid foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they beget strifes. 24But the servant of the Lord must not wrangle: but be mild toward all men, apt to teach, patient, 25With modesty admonishing them that resist the truth: if peradventure God may give them repentance to know the truth;…
δὲ (de)
Strong's Greek 1161: A primary particle; but, and, etc.

a servant
δοῦλον (doulon)
Noun - Accusative Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 1401: (a) (as adj.) enslaved, (b) (as noun) a (male) slave. From deo; a slave.

of [the] Lord
Κυρίου (Kyriou)
Noun - Genitive Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 2962: Lord, master, sir; the Lord. From kuros; supreme in authority, i.e. controller; by implication, Master.

δεῖ (dei)
Verb - Present Indicative Active - 3rd Person Singular
Strong's Greek 1163: Third person singular active present of deo; also deon deh-on'; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is Necessary.

οὐ (ou)
Strong's Greek 3756: No, not. Also ouk, and ouch a primary word; the absolute negative adverb; no or not.

be quarrelsome,
μάχεσθαι (machesthai)
Verb - Present Infinitive Middle or Passive
Strong's Greek 3164: To engage in battle, fight; hence: To strive, contend, dispute.

ἀλλὰ (alla)
Strong's Greek 235: But, except, however. Neuter plural of allos; properly, other things, i.e. contrariwise.

he must be
εἶναι (einai)
Verb - Present Infinitive Active
Strong's Greek 1510: I am, exist. The first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist.

ἤπιον (ēpion)
Adjective - Accusative Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 2261: Placid, gentle, mild. Probably from epos; properly, affable, i.e. Mild or kind.

πρὸς (pros)
Strong's Greek 4314: To, towards, with. A strengthened form of pro; a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. Toward.

πάντας (pantas)
Adjective - Accusative Masculine Plural
Strong's Greek 3956: All, the whole, every kind of. Including all the forms of declension; apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole.

able to teach,
διδακτικόν (didaktikon)
Adjective - Accusative Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 1317: Able to teach, apt to teach. From didaktos; instructive.

[and] forbearing.
ἀνεξίκακον (anexikakon)
Adjective - Accusative Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 420: Enduring evil, patient of evil, patiently forbearing. From anechomai and kakos; enduring of ill, i.e. Forbearing.

Additional Translations
And a servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, but he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and forbearing.

And it behooves the bond-servant of the Lord not to quarrel, but to be gentle toward all, able to teach, forbearing,

And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient,

And the Lord's servant must not strive, but be gentle towards all, apt to teach, forbearing,

And a bondman of [the] Lord ought not to contend, but be gentle towards all; apt to teach; forbearing;

And the Lord's servant must not strive, but be gentle towards all, apt to teach, forbearing,

And the servant of the Lord must not contend; but be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient,

and a bondservant of the Lord must not quarrel, but must be inoffensive towards all men, a skilful teacher, and patient under wrongs.

The Lord's servant must not quarrel, but be gentle towards all, able to teach, patient,

and a servant of the Lord it behoveth not to strive, but to be gentle unto all, apt to teach, patient under evil,
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Able Apt Behoveth Bondman Bondservant Bond-Servant Contend Forbearing Gentle Instead Kind Kindly Lord's Patient Putting Quarrel Quarrelsome Ready Resentful Right Servant Skilful Strive Teach Teacher Teaching Towards Trouble Wrong Wrongs
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Able Apt Behoveth Bondman Bondservant Bond-Servant Contend Forbearing Gentle Instead Kind Kindly Lord's Patient Putting Quarrel Quarrelsome Ready Resentful Right Servant Skilful Strive Teach Teacher Teaching Towards Trouble Wrong Wrongs
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Alphabetical: able all And be bond-servant but everyone he instead kind Lord's must not patient quarrel quarrelsome resentful servant teach the to when wronged

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