Colossians 3:3
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

For you are dead: and your life is hid with Christ in God.


Colossians 2:20 If then you be dead with Christ from the elements of this world, why do you yet decree as though living in the world?

Romans 6:2 God forbid! For we that are dead to sin, how shall we live any longer therein?

Galatians 2:20 And I live, now not I: but Christ liveth in me. And that I live now in the flesh: I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself for me.


Colossians 3:4 When Christ shall appear, who is your life, then you also shall appear with him in glory.

Colossians 1:5 For the hope that is laid up for you in heaven, which you have heard in the word of the truth of the gospel,

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

John 4:14 But the water that I will give him shall become in him a fountain of water, springing up into life everlasting.

John 5:21,24,40 For as the Father raiseth up the dead and giveth life: so the Son also giveth life to whom he will. . . .

John 6:39,40 Now this is the will of the Father who sent me: that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day. . . .

John 10:28-30 And I give them life everlasting: and they shall not perish for ever. And no man shall pluck them out of my hand. . . .

John 14:19 Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more. But you see me: because I live, and you shall live.

Romans 5:10,21 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son: much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. . . .

Romans 8:2,34-39 For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath delivered me from the law of sin and of death. . . .

1 Corinthians 15:45 The first man Adam was made into a living soul; the last Adam into a quickening spirit.

2 Corinthians 5:7 (For we walk by faith and not by sight.)

Hebrews 7:25 Whereby he is able also to save for ever them that come to God by him; always living to make intercession for us.

1 Peter 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy hath regenerated us unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: . . .


Colossians 2:3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said: I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to little ones.

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the sensual man perceiveth not these things that are of the Spirit of God. For it is foolishness to him: and he cannot understand, because it is spiritually examined.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 3:4 But the hidden man of the heart, in the incorruptibility of a quiet and a meek spirit which is rich in the sight of God.

1 John 3:2 Dearly beloved, we are now the sons of God: and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be. We know that when he shall appear we shall be like to him: because we shall see him as he is.

Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches: To him that overcometh I will give the hidden manna and will give him a white counter: and in the counter, a new name written, which no man knoweth but he that receiveth it.

Putting on the New Self
2Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth. 3For you are dead: and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4When Christ shall appear, who is your life, then you also shall appear with him in glory.…
Cross References
Romans 6:2
God forbid! For we that are dead to sin, how shall we live any longer therein?

Romans 6:11
So do you also reckon that you are dead to sin, but alive unto God, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

2 Corinthians 5:14
For the charity of Christ presseth us: judging this, that if one died for all, then all were dead.

Ephesians 3:9
And to enlighten all men, that they may see what is the dispensation of the mystery which hath been hidden from eternity in God who created all things:

Colossians 2:20
If then you be dead with Christ from the elements of this world, why do you yet decree as though living in the world?

1 Peter 4:2
That now he may live the rest of his time in the flesh, not after the desires of men but according to the will of God.

γάρ (gar)
Strong's Greek 1063: For. A primary particle; properly, assigning a reason.

you died,
ἀπεθάνετε (apethanete)
Verb - Aorist Indicative Active - 2nd Person Plural
Strong's Greek 599: To be dying, be about to die, wither, decay. From apo and thnesko; to die off.

καὶ (kai)
Strong's Greek 2532: And, even, also, namely.

ὑμῶν (hymōn)
Personal / Possessive Pronoun - Genitive 2nd Person Plural
Strong's Greek 4771: You. The person pronoun of the second person singular; thou.

ζωὴ (zōē)
Noun - Nominative Feminine Singular
Strong's Greek 2222: Life, both of physical (present) and of spiritual (particularly future) existence. From zao; life.

is now hidden
κέκρυπται (kekryptai)
Verb - Perfect Indicative Middle or Passive - 3rd Person Singular
Strong's Greek 2928: To hide, conceal, lay up. A primary verb; to conceal.

σὺν (syn)
Strong's Greek 4862: With. A primary preposition denoting union; with or together.

Χριστῷ (Christō)
Noun - Dative Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 5547: Anointed One; the Messiah, the Christ. From chrio; Anointed One, i.e. The Messiah, an epithet of Jesus.

ἐν (en)
Strong's Greek 1722: In, on, among. A primary preposition denoting position, and instrumentality, i.e. A relation of rest; 'in, ' at, on, by, etc.

Θεῷ (Theō)
Noun - Dative Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 2316: A deity, especially the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very.

Additional Translations
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

For you have died, and your life has been hidden with Christ in God.

For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

for ye have died, and your life is hid with the Christ in God.

For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

for ye did die, and your life hath been hid with the Christ in God;
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