1 Chronicles 13
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Consulted. David wished to give religion due splendour and authority, in his dominions; and he prudently contrives to obtain the general consent. (Haydock) --- "Where there is no liberty, there is no religion;" and no change in religious matters should be attempted, without the consent of the Church. (Calmet)

To us. In the first assembly, David's motion was adopted, and a more general meeting, particularly of the priests, was convoked. (Haydock)

Sought. Protestants, "inquired not at it." Yet it is certain that many resorted to the ark, at that time. But is was not treated with such honours as David now wished. (Haydock)

Emath, from "the troubled river" Nile, (Josue xiii. 3.; Calmet) or Rhinocorura, (Tirinus; Menochius) to the northern extremities of the promised land, (Haydock) near Emesa.

Hill. Hebrew, "to Baalah," which was another name, as well as "Baslim," for Cariathiarim, 1 Kings vii. 2. (Calmet)

Brother. Hebrew, "Acho," which has the same meaning. (Tirinus) --- Septuagint, Syriac, &c., "his brethren." (Calmet)

Chidon. Alias, Nachon. (Challoner) (2 Kings vi.) --- He had perhaps two names. (Du Hamel) --- Syriac and Arabic, "of Ramim." (Calmet) --- The ox. Protestants, "the oxen stumbled."

Divided. Slain. See chap. xiv. 11., 1 Kings xv. 32., and 2 Kings vi. 7. (Haydock) --- The soul of brutes perishes; that of man is only divided from the body by death.

Obededom. A Levite was judged more proper to guard the ark, chap. xv. 18. --- Gethite. Because he had dwelt in Geth. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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1 Chronicles 12
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