1 Chronicles 14
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Hiram. This embassy, and the war with the Philistines, took place before the ark was removed. (Calmet)

Perceived, by divine revelation, or by his constant success, (Menochius) as well as by the presents of "the king of Tyre, and the unanimity" of all the people. (Du Hamel) --- Over his. Hebrew and Septuagint, on account of his people. Kings are more for their subjects than for themselves. (Calmet)

Eliphalet and Noga are not mentioned, 2 Kings vi. 15. (Calmet) See chap iii. 9. (Haydock)

Baaliada, probably the same with Eliada. (Calmet)

Seek him, with a design to oppress him, before his throne was established. (Haydock)

Baalpharasim, "the god or master of divisions." (Calmet) --- The place was so called afterwards. (Du Hamel)

Burnt, conformably to Deuteronomy vii. 25. These idols were commonly made of wood, and covered with plates of gold, &c. The Philistines took them along with them to battle, as the Hebrews carried the ark on many occasions. The Greeks, at the siege of Troy, had their gods on board their vessels; (Homer, Iliad ix.) and the Romans had theirs on their ensigns, in their wars.


Pear or mulberry trees, (2 Kings v. 23.; Calmet) on the side where the idols were. (Tirinus)

Tops, or on the height. God sent an invisible army to David's assistance.

Gazera, on the borders of the Philistines, near Azotus. (Calmet)

All countries and nations, in the vicinity. (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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1 Chronicles 13
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