2 Chronicles 6
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Cloud: literally, "darkness." (Haydock) --- The promise had been made to Moses, Exodus xvi. 10., and xl 32. (Calmet) --- God thus manifested his presence. (Worthington)

Hands. Such external gestures promote attention in prayer; and hence were much used by holy people, at all times. (Worthington)

Scaffold, (basim.) The Hebrew (kiyor) is used for "a shell, (concha.; Tirinus) or bowl," as the throne was probably of the same form, and was placed on a square pedestal, at the higher end of the court of the people, (Calmet) which is here styled the temple, (basilicζ) or "hall," chap. iv. 9. Septuagint Greek: aules. Hebrew chatsar, which denotes that great court where (Haydock) the body of the people stood bare-headed, before the Lord, (Grotius, &c.; chap. xx. 5.) in the open air. (Du Hamel) --- We are assured that the king himself never sat in his tribune. (Calmet) --- Others reserve that privilege to him alone. (Haydock) --- While he addressed the people, he turned towards them.


End. Temples are erected for the convenience of men. (Calmet) --- Solomon hopes that God will reward his good intentions.

Altar; thus solemnly consenting to be punished by God, if he swear falsely. (Haydock) --- This practice was not prescribed by the law, but took place when witnesses could not be procured, or when it was necessary to rely on the word of the accused.

Blasting, or mildew, (ζrugo & aurugo.) The first has the colour of brass, the other of gold. both have nearly the same import. (Menochius) --- One of the terms is rendered, corrupt air; (3 Kings viii. 37.; Calmet) as this is one of the great causes why both plants and animals do not thrive. Septuagint, "corruption of the air and king's evil, or yellow jaundice:" Greek: ikteros. (Haydock)

Any. Hebrew adds, "man, or thy people." Septuagint, "and (that is) to thy." See ver. 32. (Haydock) --- Both strangers and Israelites may there sue for mercy, and obtain it. (Calmet) --- From this chapter, as well as from many other passages, it is evident that places consecrated to God, are more acceptable to him than other places; (Worthington) and here the prayers of the faithful are sooner heard, as they testify their unity. (Du Hamel)

Fear thee, being filled with awe at the sight of thy judgments. (Calmet)

House, that they may know that this is not only called, but is, in effect, the temple of the Lord, where he will display his power and goodness. (Haydock)

Name. Hence arose the custom of turning towards Jerusalem and the temple, when the Jews poured for their supplications, in any country, 3 Kings viii. 44.

Now, therefore. This is taken from Psalm cxxxi. 8, 9, 10., (Menochius) almost word for word. We do not find that Solomon spoke this, 3 Kings. (Calmet) --- Place: literally, "rest." (Haydock) --- Come, O Lord, and dwell here. --- Strength, by which thy wonders shine forth, and thy enemies are dismayed. The ark is styled the strength of Israel, Psalm lxxvii. 61., and lxii. 3.; and in the parallel passage we read, Thou and the ark of they sanctification, or sanctuary, which is its highest ornament, and which thou hast sanctified, or required to be treated with respect. --- Salvation, or justice, (Psalm cxxxi.) which is the surest method of obtaining happiness.

Anointed. Cover not with shame the king, whom thou hast appointed, (Haydock) nor reject my prayer. (Tirinus) --- Mercies, which thou hast shewn, or rather (Calmet) the acts of virtue which thy servant displayed. (Syriac, &c.) For thy servant David's sake, turn not away the face of thy anointed, Psalm cxxxi. In consideration of his merits, grant my request. (Calmet) --- Even Solomon, though at this time the object of God's complacency, disdains not to screen himself under the merits of the departed saints. (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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2 Chronicles 5
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