2 Chronicles 7
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Majesty; the cloud. For some time the priests were obliged to keep at a distance. They afterwards offered up many victims. (Calmet)

Glory. The same word was before rendered majesty. (Haydock)

Victims, by the hands of the priests: or they slew them themselves, and presented the blood and fat to be placed on the altar by the priests.

Rams, including sheep and goats. --- People, each in their proper sphere. The priests had the chief part, as the ministers of religion. The solemnity continued for a week, and many altars were erected in the court. (Calmet)

Which music, or Psalms, (carminum) David had composed. (Haydock) --- Because. This was the chorus of the 135th Psalm, which was sung on this occasion by some, while others played on their musical instruments. (Calmet) --- Literally, "singing by their hands." Protestants, "when David praised by their ministry." (Haydock) --- As the temple was chosen by God for the place of prayer, so special forms of blessing, &c., are more agreeable to him. (Worthington)

Solemnity of tabernacles, (Menochius) which ensued after the dedication was ended.

Day. He had given them leave to depart, the day before, 3 Kings viii. 66.

Face, to appease me, that I may look down upon them in mercy. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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2 Chronicles 6
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