
A website you can trust.

Best parallel Bible search results for all denominations comes from Bible Hub each day on average with over 2 million hits. According to Bible Hub’s founder, John Isett on 10/16/23: “SearchCatholicBible.org is unique not just for Catholics but also different denominations and communities who use the same parallel Bible versions as Catholics. It’s a website you can trust.”

SearchCatholicBible.org is a Loquate ministry. Loquate is officially recognized by Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. We provide the Word of God with a special calling to interfaith dialogue and ecumenical Christian Hope, as found in

Ephesians 4:13

“And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ’s full stature,”

A desire for Spirit-centered community is infused in us at the core of our being. Some Bibles are pluralistic. One Bible translation might be used in different denominations and communities. For example, the Good News Translation (GNT) has been endorsed by Billy Graham and several Christian denominations, including the Imprimatur of the Catholic Church. And the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE) from the National Council of Churches of Christ including the Imprimatur of the Catholic Church is a diverse covenant community of 37 member communions and over 35 million individuals –100,000 congregations from Protestant, Anglican, historic African-American, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Living Peace traditions – in a common commitment to advocate and represent God’s love and promise of unity in our public square.

Connecting the human spirit through scriptures brings peace, happiness, and  joy. Joy is different from happiness. In happiness we get all we want. In joy we get enough. In peace we become witnesses to the Spirit within.

Tips on Use

To copy a single verse, enter for example  a topic like “fortitude”, click the verse most interesting to you, then highlight and copy. Hint: no hyperlinks inside copy. Paste to your destination file.

To view a whole chapter at one time, enter for example Ephesians 1, click Ephesians 1:1, upper left click Chapter 1 and the entire chapter will appear.

To view parallel Bible translations, enter for example Ephesians 1:1, click Ephesians 1:1, and all parallel Bible translations will appear.

For Professional Authors using Bible Quotes.

Build trust anyone can check. Always hyperlink your source, for example John 13:34-35.  At SearchCatholicBible.org home page enter only John 13:34, “Search Now”, scroll down results, click John 13:34.

At top of screen press and hold SearchCatholicBible.org, copy, paste url source hyperlink to notes for example https://searchcatholicbible.org/search-bible/catholic/john/13-34.htm; ultimate pro look is John 13:34-35 (to “link” in word, highlight 34, right click, “link,” paste url; hint-test by clicking link 34 above).

Then copy first passage 34, and paste to notes.

Press pointy arrow to second passage 35, copy second passage and paste to notes.

At a minimum this gives research proof of first passage url and translation for example Good News Translation. From there the reader can click pointy arrow on their own to prove second passage. Avoid unlinked passages from unknown sources.

For an example, see

Bible Quotes, Primary Values and Innate Needs