Smart® Natural Law
Natural Law makes happiness experiential. Innate needs when satisfied yield enhanced self-motivation and mental health and when thwarted lead to diminished motivation and well-being. With over half a million research based articles since 2017, the science of innate needs  has exploded citing Deci and Ryan.  Ryan finds “Remarkable Convergence” with Loquate’s primary values discovered by Loquate in 1977 and innate needs.

Loquate is a 501 c3, non profit corporation, listed as a public charity by the IRS.  Smart® is a registered trademark of Loquate in International Class 045.

More than just a copycat, Loquate acquiesces to the discovery and explanation of Arthur C. Brooks on the four pillars of happiness which are family, friends, work, and faith. Smart® habits lead to happiness or joy for Smart® group members and increased sense of community in every group of which they are a part. Taken together, Smart® Natural Law validates and predicts scientifically happiness. Loquate is like a natural food that refreshes oneself, and refreshes all mankind. It is like a vein of gold within that may now be found. Uniquely, Loquate is an expert on interdependence based on Spirit-centered community with freedom to live one’s deepest beliefs in harmony with all. Makes where you work, a best place to work.  Makes where you live, a best place to live. Brings peace on earth. Join Loquate.

Universal Repentance

By: Jeff Liautaud on September 30, 2024 | Filed in: Community

Summary: Universal repentance is needed for every single one of us on earth because each has thwarted innate needs. Thwarting innate needs drives us away from others. Only staying in community brings peace, happiness and joy. R166-aL The innate needs were discovered by Deci and Ryan who say:  “The findings have led to the postulate […]

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Loquate’s Science Based Research.

By: Jeff Liautaud on September 10, 2024 | Filed in: Happiness|Innate Needs|Loquate||Outreach|Primary Values|Science Based

Loquate never sought to discover something new but rather sought to discover and explain what was already there. This research based charity,, for the good of all mankind does Loquate’s part to bring peace on earth through its primary values that satisfy innate needs common to all mankind. A Smart® safe sharing environment protects […]

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Conversations With God By Jeff Liautaud – Second Edition

By: Jeff Liautaud on June 13, 2024 | Filed in: Outreach

Summary: Makes where you live, a best place to live. Brings peace on earth. Join Loquate’s Journey! Loquate is community. Loquate provides research based, empowering structures. is organized as a charity not for profit. Its work is building community under the trademark Smart® Natural Law that brings peace on earth one small group at […]

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Conversations With God

By: Jeff Liautaud on November 7, 2023 | Filed in: Outreach

Summary: God has spoken to me since 1985. It began with a Vision and continues to this day. The great reset is upon us. We have to evolve together if we are to survive as a species. Fortunately there are two pluralistic paths to God. One path to God is the Word. Another path to […]

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Bible Quotes, Primary Values and Innate Needs

By: Jeff Liautaud on November 3, 2023 | Filed in: Outreach

Summary: A desire for Spirit-centered community is infused in us at the core of our being. Loquate a 501c3 corporation seeks an interdependence based on Spirit-centered community by changing ourselves and no one else. By Spirit we mean a caring presence that exists outside of ourselves. Everyone’s hobby is happiness. The innate needs of human […]

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