Hosea 3:4
Cross References

For the children of Israel shall sit many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without altar, and without ephod, and without theraphim.

Genesis 31:19
At that time Laban was gone to shear his sheep, and Rachel stole away her father's idols.

Genesis 31:34
She, in haste, hid the idols under the camel's furniture, and sat upon them: and when he had searched all the tent, and found nothing,

Exodus 28:4
And these shall be the vestments that they shall make: A rational and an ephod, a tunic and a strait linen garment, a mitre and a girdle. They shall make the holy vestments for thy brother Aaron and his sons, that they may do the office of priesthood unto me.

Judges 17:5
And he separated also therein a little temple for the god, and made an ephod, and theraphim, that is to say, a priestly garment, and idols: and he filled the hand of one of his sons, and he became his priest.

Judges 18:14
The five men, that before had been sent to view the land of Lais, said to the rest of their brethren: You know that in these houses there is an ephod and theraphim, and a graven and a molten god: see what you are pleased to do.

Judges 18:17
But they that were gone into the house of the young man, went about to take away the graven god, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten god, and the priest stood before the door, the six hundred valiant men waiting not far off.

1 Samuel 15:23
Because it is like the sin of witchcraft, to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey. Forasmuch, therefore, as thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord hath also rejected thee from being king.

1 Samuel 23:9
Now when David understood that Saul secretly prepared evil against him, he said to Abiathar, the priest: Bring hither the ephod.

Lamentations 2:9
Teth. Her gates are sunk into the ground: he hath destroyed, and broken her bars: her king and her princes are among the Gentiles: the law is no more, and her prophets have found no vision from the Lord.

Daniel 9:27
And he shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end.

Daniel 11:31
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall defile the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the continual sacrifice: and they shall place there the abomination unto desolation.

Daniel 12:11
And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days.

Hosea 2:11
And I will cause all her mirth to cease, her solemnities, her new moons, her sabbaths, and all her festival times.

Hosea 10:1
Israel a vine full of branches, the fruit is agreeable to it: according to the multitude of his fruit, he hath multiplied altars, according to the plenty of his land he hath abounded with idols.

Hosea 10:2
Their heart is divided: now they shall perish: he shall break down their idols, he shall destroy their altars.

Hosea 10:3
For now they shall say: We have no king: because we fear not the Lord: and what shall a king do to us?

Hosea 13:10
Where is thy king? now especially let him save thee in all thy cities: and thy judges, of whom thou saidst: Give me kings and princes.

Hosea 13:11
I will give thee a king in my wrath, and will take him away in my indignation.

Zechariah 10:2
For the idols have spoken what was unprofitable, and the diviners have seen a lie, and the dreamers have spoken vanity: they comforted in vain: therefore they were led away as a flock: they shall be afflicted, because they have no shepherd.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

For the children of Israel shall sit many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without altar, and without ephod, and without theraphim.

without a king.

Hosea 10:3 For now they shall say: We have no king: because we fear not the Lord: and what shall a king do to us?

Genesis 49:10 The sceptre shall not be taken away from Juda, nor a ruler from his thigh, till he come that is to be sent, and he shall be the expectation of nations.

Jeremiah 15:4,5 And I will give them up to the rage of all the kingdoms of the earth: because of Manasses the son of Ezechias the king of Juda, for all that he did in Jerusalem. . . .

John 19:15 But they cried out: Away with him: Away with him: Crucify him. Pilate saith to them: shall I crucify your king? The chief priests answered: We have no king but Caesar.

without a sacrifice.

2 Chronicles 15:2 And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: Hear ye me, Asa, and all Juda and Benjamin: The Lord is with you, because you have been with him. If you seek him, you shall find: but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.

Daniel 8:11-13 And it was magnified even to the prince of the strength: and it took away from him the continual sacrifice, and cast down the place of his sanctuary. . . .

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end.

Daniel 12:11 And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days.

Matthew 24:1,2 And Jesus being come out of the temple, went away. And his disciples came to shew him the buildings of the temple. . . .

Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captives into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles till the times of the nations be fulfilled.

Acts 6:13,14 And they set up false witnesses, who said: This man ceaseth not to speak words against the holy place and the law. . . .

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after having the knowledge of the truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins:

an image.

Isaiah 19:19,20 In that day there shall be an altar of the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a monument of the Lord at the borders thereof: . . .


Exodus 28:4 And these shall be the vestments that they shall make: A rational and an ephod, a tunic and a strait linen garment, a mitre and a girdle. They shall make the holy vestments for thy brother Aaron and his sons, that they may do the office of priesthood unto me.

Leviticus 8:7 He vested the high priest with the strait linen garment, girding him with the girdle, and putting on him the violet tunick: and over it he put the ephod.

Judges 8:27 And Gedeon made an ephod thereof, and put it in his city Ephra. And all Israel committed fornication with it, and it became a ruin to Gedeon, and to all his house.

Judges 17:5 And he separated also therein a little temple for the god, and made an ephod, and theraphim, that is to say, a priestly garment, and idols: and he filled the hand of one of his sons, and he became his priest.

1 Samuel 2:18 But Samuel ministered before the face of the Lord: being a child girded with a linen ephod.

1 Samuel 14:3 And Achias, the son of Achitob, brother of Ichabod the son of Phinees, the son of Heli, the priest of the Lord in Silo, wore the ephod. And the people knew not whither Jonathan was gone.

1 Samuel 21:9 And the priest said: Lo, here is the sword of Goliath, the Philistine, whom thou slewest in the valley of Terebinth, wrapped up in a cloth behind the ephod: if thou wilt take this, take it, for here there is no other but this. And David said: There is none like that, give it me.

1 Samuel 22:18 And the king said to Doeg: Turn thou, and fall upon the priests. And Doeg, the Edomite, turned, and fell upon the priests, and slew in that day eighty-five men that wore the linen ephod.

1 Samuel 23:6,9 Now at that time, when Abiathar, the son of Achimelech, fled to David, to Ceila, he came down, having an ephod with him. . . .

1 Samuel 30:7 And he said to Abiathar, the priest, the son of Achimelech: Bring me hither the ephod. And Abiathar brought the ephod to David.

2 Samuel 6:14 And David danced with all his might before the Lord: and David was girded with a linen ephod.

without teraphim.

Genesis 31:19 At that time Laban was gone to shear his sheep, and Rachel stole away her father's idols.


Judges 17:5 And he separated also therein a little temple for the god, and made an ephod, and theraphim, that is to say, a priestly garment, and idols: and he filled the hand of one of his sons, and he became his priest.

Judges 18:17-24 But they that were gone into the house of the young man, went about to take away the graven god, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten god, and the priest stood before the door, the six hundred valiant men waiting not far off. . . .

2 Kings 23:24 Moreover the diviners by spirits, and soothsayers, and the figures of idols, and the uncleannesses, and the abominations, that had been in the land of Juda and Jerusalem, Josias took away: that he might perform the words of the law, that were written in the book, which Helcias the priest had found in the temple of the Lord.


Ezekiel 20:32 Neither shall the thought of your mind come to pass, by which you say: We will be as the Gentiles, and as the families of the earth, to worship stocks and stones.

Ezekiel 21:21 For the king of Babylon stood in the highway, at the head of two ways, seeking divination, shuffling arrows: he inquired of the idols, and consulted entrails.


Micah 5:11-14 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that I will take away thy horses out of the midst of thee, and will destroy thy chariots. . . .

Zechariah 13:2 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will destroy the names of idols out of the earth, and they shall be remembered no more: and I will take away the false prophets, and the unclean spirit out of the earth.

Hosea Redeems His Wife
3And I said to her: Thou shalt wait for me many days: thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt be no man's, and I also will wait for thee. 4For the children of Israel shall sit many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without altar, and without ephod, and without theraphim.5And after this the children of Israel shall return and shall seek the Lord, their God, and David, their king: and they shall fear the Lord, and his goodness, in the last days.…
כִּ֣י ׀ (kî)
Strong's Hebrew 3588: A relative conjunction

the Israelites
בְּנֵ֣י (bə·nê)
Noun - masculine plural construct
Strong's Hebrew 1121: A son

must live
יֵֽשְׁבוּ֙ (yê·šə·ḇū)
Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person masculine plural
Strong's Hebrew 3427: To sit down, to dwell, to remain, to settle, to marry

רַבִּ֗ים (rab·bîm)
Adjective - masculine plural
Strong's Hebrew 7227: Much, many, great

יָמִ֣ים (yā·mîm)
Noun - masculine plural
Strong's Hebrew 3117: A day

אֵ֥ין (’ên)
Strong's Hebrew 369: A non-entity, a negative particle

מֶ֙לֶךְ֙ (me·leḵ)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 4428: A king

or prince,
שָׂ֔ר (śār)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 8269: Chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince

וְאֵ֣ין (wə·’ên)
Conjunctive waw | Adverb
Strong's Hebrew 369: A non-entity, a negative particle

זֶ֖בַח (ze·ḇaḥ)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 2077: A slaughter, the flesh of an animal, a sacrifice

וְאֵ֣ין (wə·’ên)
Conjunctive waw | Adverb
Strong's Hebrew 369: A non-entity, a negative particle

sacred pillar,
מַצֵּבָ֑ה (maṣ·ṣê·ḇāh)
Noun - feminine singular
Strong's Hebrew 4676: Something stationed, a column, an idol

and without
וְאֵ֥ין (wə·’ên)
Conjunctive waw | Adverb
Strong's Hebrew 369: A non-entity, a negative particle

אֵפ֖וֹד (’ê·p̄ō·wḏ)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 646: A girdle, the ephod, highpriest's shoulder-piece, an image

or idol.
וּתְרָפִֽים׃ (ū·ṯə·rā·p̄îm)
Conjunctive waw | Noun - masculine plural
Strong's Hebrew 8655: (a kind of idol) perhaps household idol

Additional Translations
For the Israelites must live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, and without ephod or idol.For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without pillar, and without ephod or teraphim:

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an altar, and without a priesthood, and without manifestations.

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without statue, and without ephod and teraphim.

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without pillar, and without ephod or teraphim.

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:

For the children of Israel shall live many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without sacred stone, and without ephod or idols.

For many days remain do the sons of Israel without a king, and there is no prince, and there is no sacrifice, and there is no standing pillar, and there is no ephod and teraphim.
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Abide Children Dwell Ephod Household Idols Image Israel Israelites Live Offerings Pillar Pillars Prince Ruler Sacred Sacrifice Sit Solitary Standing Statue Stone Stones Teraphim Time
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