Universal Repentance

By: Jeff Liautaud on September 30, 2024 | Filed in: Community

Summary: Universal repentance is needed for every single one of us on earth because each has thwarted innate needs. Thwarting innate needs drives us away from others. Only staying in community brings peace, happiness and joy.


The innate needs were discovered by Deci and Ryan who say: 

“The findings have led to the postulate of three innate psychological needs – competence, autonomy, and relatedness – which when satisfied yield enhanced self-motivation and mental health and when thwarted lead to diminished motivation and well-being.”

Primary values discovered by Loquate Research satisfy innate needs in Smart® groups “Where Work Meets Faith” and promote well being through community.

Ryan finds: “Remarkable Convergence” with Loquate’s primary values discovered by Loquate in 1977 and innate needs.

A need for repentance has never been clearer. For to thwart our own or others’ innate needs causes great pain and suffering and moves us out of community.

Looked at another way rotten tomatoes get thrown at an actor for a poor performance. We are all actors on the face of this earth. Some don’t even duck when rotten tomatoes are thrown at them.

This is not good.

Overcoming bad habits comes only thru changing our self and no one else. There are two basic issues: incidental bad habits and core bad habits. Core bad habits are hard to overcome. They affect our operating system. Deep inside us they affect our perception and the perception of all those around us. Dysfunction is the name commonly given to such core bad habits that are not good for our self or those around us. Everyone has them. Diminished motivation and wellbeing are the outcome.

The remedy is this. Empower yourself. Learn to facilitate community. If you do not have time to do this, that in itself is a problem. For core bad behaviors are imbedded in such thought processes. The lie is I have other good things to do. I know best. I don’t have time to take this on.

Dysfunction out of control leads to more dysfunction.

Littleness is found in the Anawim, those who are willing to trust God for all that they possess. Throughout history they alone knew the true oath to God was to suffer at the hands of all those around us, to satisfy their innate needs even when they thwart our own. If you are or strive to be like the Anawim, we want you in our Smart® group. You can go at your own pace. We take people where they are. We make things easy for you so you can make things easy for others.

The entire Smart® process is designed to satisfy innate needs not only our own but also of those around us.

Rotten tomatoes thrown at us like actors on the stage manifest themselves in ignorance. Only one remedy exists: increased awareness and changed behavior.

Loquate offers its Smart® Process in an Easy Facilitation Guide along with hands on training to overcome core bad habits. If you have none, congratulations. You were born a saint. Not having time is the first sign of a life out of control. For evil forces would have us believe we are perfect the way we are.

The remedy is to make the time and use the Easy Facilitation Guide in a Smart® group. You will find that you have never been happier than facilitating well. Your new skills may be applied to every group of which you are a part.

Makes where you work a best place to work. Makes where you live a best place to live.

Loquate is unique in that it is experiential, like being in a trade school “Where Work Meets Faith.” New habits form around facilitating a Smart® group.

Incidental bad habits are best overcome through ongoing participation in a Smart® group using relevant resolution storytelling. For members are on the same path as you to change only them self and no one else. Since some members do not have the same dysfunction as us their relevant resolution stories “Where Work Meets Faith” may be replicated by us increasing our faith too and predictably, that is scientifically, satisfy our innate needs and the innate needs of all those around us. This leads to ego diminishment toward nothingness itself. As we become the least God’s will of abundance for us as little children becomes the most. The outcome is living in a protective bubble of Spirit-centered community thru surrender and repentance.

Loquate provides empowering structures. A worldwide movement away from sin and darkness into the light of Spirit-centered community is now available scientifically to all mankind thru its Smart® process. Become a facilitator of a Smart® group. Satisfy innate needs. Increase motivation and mental health. Bring peace on earth.

Join Loquate’s Journey!

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