Isaiah 53:5
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

But he was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed.

but he was

Isaiah 53:6-8,11,12 All we like sheep have gone astray, every one hath turned aside into his own way: and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. . . .

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are shortened upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, that transgression may be finished, and sin may have an end, and iniquity may be abolished; and everlasting justice may be brought; and vision and prophecy may be fulfilled; and the Saint of saints may be anointed.

Zechariah 13:7 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that cleaveth to me, saith the Lord of hosts: strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn my hand to the little ones.

Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of man is not come to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a redemption for many.

Romans 3:24-26 Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, . . .

Romans 4:25 Who was delivered up for our sins and rose again for our justification.

Romans 5:6-10,15-21 For why did Christ, when as yet we were weak, according to the time, die for the ungodly? . . .

1 Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all, which I also received: how that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures:

2 Corinthians 5:21 Him, who knew no sin, he hath made sin for us: that we might be made the justice of God in him.

Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us and hath delivered himself for us, an oblation and a sacrifice to God for an odour of sweetness.

Hebrews 9:12-15 Neither by the blood of goats or of calves, but by his own blood, entered once into the Holies, having obtained eternal redemption. . . .

Hebrews 10:10,14 In the which will, we are sanctified by the oblation of the body of Jesus Christ once. . . .

1 Peter 3:18 Because Christ also died once for our sins, the just for the unjust: that he might offer us to God, being put to death indeed in the flesh, but enlivened in the spirit,


Isaiah 53:10 And the Lord was pleased to bruise him in infirmity: if he shall lay down his life for sin, he shall see a longlived seed, and the will of the Lord shall be prosperous in his hand.

Genesis 3:15 I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.

the chastisement

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bore our sins in his body upon the tree: that we, being dead to sins, should live to justice: by whose stripes you were healed.


The Suffering Servant
4Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows: and we have thought him as it were a leper, and as one struck by God and afflicted. 5But he was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed.6All we like sheep have gone astray, every one hath turned aside into his own way: and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.…
Cross References
Romans 4:25
Who was delivered up for our sins and rose again for our justification.

1 Corinthians 15:3
For I delivered unto you first of all, which I also received: how that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures:

Hebrews 5:8
And whereas indeed he was the Son of God, he learned obedience by the things which he suffered.

Hebrews 9:28
So also Christ was offered once to exhaust the sins of many. The second time he shall appear without sin to them that expect him unto salvation.

1 Peter 2:24
Who his own self bore our sins in his body upon the tree: that we, being dead to sins, should live to justice: by whose stripes you were healed.

1 Peter 2:25
For you were as sheep going astray: but you are now converted to the shepherd and bishop of your souls.

Deuteronomy 11:2
Know this day the things that your children know not, who saw not the chastisements of the Lord your God, his great doings and strong hand, and stretched out arm,

Psalm 30:2
O Lord my God, I have cried to thee, and thou hast healed me.

Proverbs 20:30
The blueness of a wound shall wipe away evils: and stripes in the more inward parts of the belly.

Isaiah 6:7
And he touched my mouth, and said: Behold this hath touched thy lips, and thy iniquities shall be taken away, and thy sin shall be cleansed.

Isaiah 40:2
Speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem, and call to her: for her evil is come to an end, her iniquity is forgiven: she hath received of the hand of the Lord double for all her sins.

Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray, every one hath turned aside into his own way: and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:8
He was taken away from distress, and from judgment: who shall declare his generation? because he is cut off out of the land of the living: for the wickedness of my people have I struck him.

Isaiah 53:10
And the Lord was pleased to bruise him in infirmity: if he shall lay down his life for sin, he shall see a longlived seed, and the will of the Lord shall be prosperous in his hand.

Isaiah 53:11
Because his soul hath laboured, he shall see and be filled: by his knowledge shall this my just servant justify many, and he shall bear their iniquities.

Isaiah 57:18
I saw his ways, and I healed him, and brought him back, and restored comforts to him, and to them that mourn for him.

Zechariah 13:7
Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that cleaveth to me, saith the Lord of hosts: strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn my hand to the little ones.

But He
וְהוּא֙ (wə·hū)
Conjunctive waw | Pronoun - third person masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 1931: He, self, the same, this, that, as, are

was pierced
מְחֹלָ֣ל (mə·ḥō·lāl)
Verb - Pual - Participle - masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 2490: To bore, to wound, to dissolve, to profane, to break, to begin, to play

for our transgressions,
מִפְּשָׁעֵ֔נוּ (mip·pə·šā·‘ê·nū)
Preposition-m | Noun - masculine plural construct | first person common plural
Strong's Hebrew 6588: Transgression

He was crushed
מְדֻכָּ֖א (mə·ḏuk·kā)
Verb - Pual - Participle - masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 1792: To crumble, to bruise

for our iniquities;
מֵעֲוֺנֹתֵ֑ינוּ (mê·‘ă·wō·nō·ṯê·nū)
Preposition-m | Noun - common plural construct | first person common plural
Strong's Hebrew 5771: Iniquity, guilt, punishment for iniquity

the punishment
מוּסַ֤ר (mū·sar)
Noun - masculine singular construct
Strong's Hebrew 4148: Chastisement, reproof, warning, instruction, restraint

that brought us peace
שְׁלוֹמֵ֙נוּ֙ (šə·lō·w·mê·nū)
Noun - masculine singular construct | first person common plural
Strong's Hebrew 7965: Safe, well, happy, friendly, welfare, health, prosperity, peace

was upon Him,
עָלָ֔יו (‘ā·lāw)
Preposition | third person masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 5921: Above, over, upon, against

and by His stripes
וּבַחֲבֻרָת֖וֹ (ū·ḇa·ḥă·ḇu·rā·ṯōw)
Conjunctive waw, Preposition-b | Noun - feminine singular construct | third person masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 2250: A stripe, blow

we are healed.
נִרְפָּא־ (nir·pā-)
Verb - Nifal - Perfect - third person masculine singular
Strong's Hebrew 7495: To mend, to cure

Additional Translations
But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was on him; and with his stripes we are healed.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

But he was wounded on account of our sins, and was bruised because of our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and by his bruises we were healed.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

But he was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought our peace was on him; and by his wounds we are healed.

And he is pierced for our transgressions, Bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace is on him, And by his bruise there is healing to us.
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Alphabetical: and are brought But by chastening crushed fell for he healed him his iniquities our peace pierced punishment scourging that the through transgressions upon us was we well-being wounds

OT Prophets: Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions (Isa Isi Is) Bible Study Resources, Dictionary, Concordance and Search Tools

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